Aliya Grig's new article "Emotion-Integrated Cognitive Architectures: A Bio-Inspired Approach to Developing Emotionally Intelligent AI Agents," in the Springer Book of BICA*AI 2023


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Evolwe CEO joined the Arizona Astrobiology Center Development Board (AABCDB) as the member


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Aliya Grig at “Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for AI”


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Aliya as a speaker at the Consciousness Research Network 2023 with Session Theme: "Towards a More Human #AI: Designing for Empathy and Personalization"


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Aliya Grig joined 'The Science of Consciousness' Conference - Exploring Artificial Consciousness and Empathic AI Technology, Taormina, Sicily 


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Evolwe Joins Forces with Dr. David Gamez and Middlesex University in a Trailblazing AI Emotion Recognition Project


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Aliya as a Speaker at the "AI for good" TechTalks with TFN, London


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Evolwe CEO, the spearheading women in tech advocating Artificial Consciousness over Artificial Intelligence


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Future of Product Podcast for Maxwell Matson with Aliya Grig. AI for People


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